A Wizard of Earthsea

 Author:Ursula K. Le Guin Category:Fantasy Published: 01/01/1968  Language: English  File Size: 957 MB  Tags:Adventure | Children’s literature | Classics | Fantasy | Fiction | magic | novel | Science fiction |


A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin, explores the theme of

  • Coming of Age
  • Knowledge and Patience vs. Power and Pride
  • Identity and the Shadow Self
  • Duty and Destiny
  • Cosmic Balance

Literary awards

  • Lewis Carroll Shelf Award (1979)
  •  Boston Globe-Horn Book Award for Fiction (1969)
  •  ZÅ‚ota Sepulka for Książka autora zagranicznego (1984)
  • Margaret A. Edwards Award (2004)

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