Adventure Books

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress

 Author:Robert A. Heinlein Category:Fantasy Published: 02/06/1966  Language: English  File Size: 54 KB  Tags:Classics | Fantasy | Fiction | novel | Politics | Science fiction | Space |  Description: The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein Literary awards

The Lies of Locke Lamora

 Author:Scott Lynch Category:Fantasy Published: 01/06/2006  Language: English  File Size: 2.6 MB  Tags:Adventure | Crime | Epic | Fantasy | Fiction | Mystery | novel | Science fiction | Description: The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, explores the theme of Literary awards

The Hobbit

Author:John Ronald Reuel Tolkien Category:Fantasy Published: 21/09/1937  Language: English  File Size: 2.8 MB  Tags:Adventure | Children’s literature | Classics | Epic | Fantasy | Fiction | magic | novel | Science fiction | Description: The Hobbit by John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, explores the theme of bravery. A well mannered Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins, embarks upon a journey to take back a kingdom, and a very important jewel ,with twelve dwarves, and a wizard named Gandalf the Grey. Halfway throughout the journey, …

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The Fifth Season

Author:N. K. Jemisin Category:Fantasy Publisher:Orbit Published: 04/08/2015  Language: English  File Size: 5.4 MB  Tags:Dystopia | Fantasy | Fiction | novel | Science fiction | Description: The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin explores the theme of  climate change, racial repression, and post-apocalyptic disaster. Literary awards

The Colour of Magic

 Author:Terry Pratchett Category:Fantasy Published: 01/12/1983  Language: English  File Size: 1.1 MB  Tags:Adventure | comedy | Fantasy | Fiction | Humor | magic | novel | Science fiction |  Description: The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett, explores the social themes, like class, money and position in society among other things as well. Literary awards

The Buried Giant

Author:Kazuo Ishiguro Category:Fantasy Published: 03/03/2015  Language: English  File Size: 1.6 MB  Tags:Fantasy | Fiction | Historical | magic | novel | Description: The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro, describes the content of Lost memories and the fight to get them back.

Six of Crows

 Author:Leigh Bardugo Category:Fantasy Publisher:Henry Holt & Company Published: 29/09/2015  Language: English  File Size: 5.2 MB  Tags:Adventure | Fantasy | Fiction | magic | Romance |  Description: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, explores the theme of heist, greed, money, power, vengeance, struggle, a chance to getting over darkness of the past and make future, trust, betrayal, friendship, and love. Literary awards

Jurassic Park

 Author:Michael Crichton Category:Fantasy Published: 07/11/1990  Language: English  File Size: 2 MB  Tags:Adventure | Classics | Fantasy | Fiction | Horror | novel | Science fiction | Thriller | Description: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton explores the themes of man vs. nature, technology, and power. A cautionary tale about genetic engineering, it presents the collapse of a zoological park showcasing genetically recreated dinosaurs to illustrate the mathematical concept of chaos theory and its real-world implications.

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell

Author:Susanna Clarke Category:Fantasy Published: 08/09/2004  File Size: 3.1 MB  Tags:Fantasy | Fiction | Historical | magic | Magical Realism | Science fiction |  Description: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke, explores the theme of the Nature of Power, The Quest for Knowledge, Theory Versus Practice, and the Magical Versus the Mundane World by re-imagining early-19th-century England. Literary awards

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Author:Richard Bach Category:Fantasy Published: 01/01/1970  Language: English  File Size: 1009 KB  Tags:Animals | Classics | fairy tale | Fantasy | Fiction | folktale | Inspirational | Literature | novel | Philosophy | self help | Spirituality |  Description: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach is a story of an ambitious and adventurous seagull whose main aim in life is to do something worthwhile and unforgettable. For this reason, he practices flying day and night and soon learns to fly flawlessly to the utmost heights of the blue …

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